Rosie Sandover
Owner and Operator, Kingfisher Tours

Rosie Sandover is the Director of Kingfisher Tours, an aerial adventure tourism company in the North East Kimberley of Western Australia. Kingfisher has been operational for 7 years and is a multi-award-winning business in WA tourism. Rosie sits on the national board of Eco Tourism Australia, and is committed to sustainable tourism , She has a passion for the East Kimberley and has lived here 27 years. She is providing a sustainable, quality truly local Kimberley tourism product that show cases the majesty and rich cultural history of the area. Kingfisher works closely with other tourism operators in the area and encourages those companies to align with Kingfisher’s values including striving for single use plastic free across the company, local Aboriginal employment opportunities, preservation of cultural history and the natural environment.
Kingfisher is fast creating a name for itself as a leader in the eco-tourism industry in the Kimberley and WA. Rosie has founded the business on the principles of supporting local micro business with our tour guides on country , and Kingfisher tours are incredibly proud to launch in 2020 our head guides bush medicine business. See more on this in our pro bono section . Kingfisher tours has also offered pro-bono support for select projects in the North East Kimberley . In 2019 Rosie worked pro bono with Mud Springs community, developing a small tourism business and the longer term aquaculture facility