Thomas Holden
Chief Executive Officer, Activate One

Co-presenter of: How to Propose a Walking Trail in Queensland
Presenting with Ross McLennan.
Following on from the 2018 Global Eco Conference and David Edwards presentation “Queensland Ecotourism Trails: A Chief Executive’s insight”. Ross McLennan from Hidden valley Cabins and the three traditional owners groups from the region north of Townsville between Paluma and Wallaman Falls formed a working group to promote the idea of a 125 km walking between Paluma Village in south to the iconic Wallaman Falls in the north. Working in partnership, Ross and the Traditional owner groups, Nywagi in the South, Gugu Badham to the west and Warragamay to the north successfully approached the three local government areas the trail would pass through and where successful in getting some seed funding to engage a professional trail builder to see if the proposal was indeed achievable. A working group comprising of local government representatives, local Mayors and councillors, Traditional Owners and industry successfully promoted the trail to the State Government and the project is now being promoted to senior government officials and ministers. This presentation will show how this project went from an idea at a conference to high level talks within 12 months and this importance of involving all parties at a very early stage.
Thomas has in excess of 15 years of government and Indigenous business operations experience, Thomas Holden (CEO) is a motivated business development and sales professional with relevant years of management-level entrepreneurial and project management experience in various high risk and demanding management positions.
Over the last fifteen years and until recently Thomas has performed the role of founder and managing director for high risk Indigenous security services and training firms. The company was Indigenous and prequalified with Arrow Energy and maintained 25% Indigenous employment. He also held the position of project officer for the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnership for a 3-year period. Employee of the year 2017 and 2018. Stakeholder management in the major project space. Key deliverables of implementation of the training and procurement policy and QIPP, IPP. Development in the Indigenous business from start-up phase to exit phase.