HomePast ConferencesSpeakers (2019)

Helen Tait

Special Adviser, Mandingalbay Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation

Helen Tait


Helen graduated from the Queensland University of Technology with a Bachelor of Arts (Justice) and her career in native title spans over 18 years. Helen commenced her career with the Carpentaria Land Council in 2001 and was engaged as their CEO from 2008-2014. Helen has supported and assisted the Mandingalbay Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation behind the scenes to develop their tourism enterprise business, Mandingalbay Ancient Indigenous Tours.

Helen joined the Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples Prescribed Body Corporate as their Executive Officer in 2016 and is responsible for implementing the GMY Masterplan Project with a consortium of expertise to deliver socio-economic benefits to the GMY People and the wider community of Yarrabah.

Helen is an active member of the Yarrabah Leadership Forum (YLF) and has assisted the Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council to secure funding from DATSIP to deliver the Yarrabah Social Reinvestment Project, and transition to the new Job Active Service Provider Wugu Nyambil in July 2018.

Helen has completed the AICD Fundamentals of Directorship and is a Justice of the Peace (Qualified). Helen is also a Director on the Djunbunji Ltd Board and the Wugu-Nyambil Yarrabah Job Active Service Board of Directors. Helen has also served a term as the Vice President of the Cairns Business Women’s Club in 2017/2018, and was Chair of the 2018 CBWC Business Woman of the Year Awards.

Helen is a champion for change and member of the global Arbonne Charitable Foundation Empowerment Taskforce and an advocate for building capacity in indigenous communities, which she believes is fundamental to creating intergenerational change and achieved by thinking beyond borders.